Terrell County Centennial Celebration

Published on by Terrell County Historic Preservation Society

Terrell County Centennial Celebration

~~By: Cherry M. Howell

The year was 1956. The citizens of Terrell County were preparing for the 100th birthday celebration of the County. The Centennial events were scheduled to begin April 15th. As early as January the ladies were busy planning their centennial attire. Many of the ladies made their dresses while others had very elaborate dresses made by professional dress makers. The men adorned top hats, bow ties and grew beards for the event. Interest in the Centennial Events was huge. The Dawson News, Atlanta Constitution, Albany Herald and Columbus Enquirer carried stories on the Celebration.

The Centennial opened Sunday April 15th with a county-wide religious service on the high school athletic field. Music was presented by a 75 voice choir. Monday April 16th was “Military Day”. Lt. Gov. Ernest Vandiver gave the dedication address for the new National Guard Armory. Tuesday April 17th was “Youth Day” with a parade featuring youth of Terrell County. Wednesday April 18th was “Agriculture Day”; the Honorable Walter F. George, United Sates Senator, was the speaker for this event. Thursday April 19th was “Sisters of the Swish Day”. Highlight of the day was a Centennial Style Show of authentic dress of yesteryear. Friday April 20th was “Homecoming Day”; Governor Marvin Griffin was the speaker. Saturday April 21 was “Brothers of the Brush Day”, highlights of the day was a parade featuring the brothers of the brush and a beard shaving contest sponsored by Remington-Rand. Events for these days started at 9:30 a.m. and ended at 9:30 p.m. Each day’s event ended with a performance of “The Centennial Panorama” the largest Stage Production in the entire State, cast of over 400 and a Colossal Fireworks Display.

Many of you have wonderful memories of the Centennial as do I. Those of you who are not so fortunate are urged to visit the Terrell County History Museum and see the pictures made during the Centennial, the special edition of the Dawson News which was filled with historical facts about people and places in Terrell County, and the Historical Program Album dedicated to the men and women of Terrell Co. which is full of wonderful information.

The Terrell Co. History Museum is a project of the Terrell County Historic Preservation Society. The museum is open by appointment only. For an appointment call Kathy Hicks at 229-995-2866 preferably two days in advance. Individuals and groups are welcome.

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